
Thursday, February 08, 2007 @8:03 PM

Wow, today's cross-country.. Starting post in the morniing..

MORNING 6.00am.
I woke up, still tired, legs numbed.. so i got up from my bed and starting thinking.. 'what will today's cross country be like?''
Let's skip some parts and head on down to the bus-stop..
The Avenue is at McRichie Reservoir.. Well, i forgot how tuh spell le..
Well, waited for my friend to come, but eventually we got on to bus 132..

MORNING 6.48am.
We reached the reservior and it was early, so they aren't any crowd.. it was dark and quiet, Overhead bridge filled with bus engines and gas tanks filled to start the day..
It was really quiet when we reached the reservior.. it was peaceful, and seing the water slides with the movements of the wind made me feel relaxed.. What a World..
Well, we waited long for the cross country to start..
It was still morning, as we were settled down, the morning sun shines on fellow students..
But, as we waited, we gt really really frustrating to know that the teachers are SLOW..
Finally the race of C Division Boys starts.. we started running i guess.. OK, there was quite of like a jungle .. Mud,Tree branches, Stones, Trees,Vines, .. almost everything u see in a jungle.. i jogged slowly, seeing ppl go past me.. untill 2km of the race, whoa, i was tired.. but kept on running.. i reached 3km plus.. then there was this expressway we must go pass.. the vechicles, the sun,the hotness, made me EXHAUSTED.. i had no. energy left.. Seeing ppl run past me gave me nothing but discouragement not to run the race.. Finally i finished the race, prizes are given to top 30 .. but didnt won .. cuz i was lousy.. =/ too lousy .. lols. But at least i got to the two points box, meaning the score to be given to my house.. to get to two points box , need to get 30 mins n below, so it wasn't any probelm..
W00tS .. it was Milo drinking tym, saw 8 tanks of milo, lols, there was a truck marr.. gt cup to refil the milo.. i drank 11 cups? o.o.. Was really thirsty?..
Hahs.. After the prize presentation which we had to sit on the grass by the HOT afternoon sun.. really HOT!! .. Our skins was burning.. =/..
The prize presentation was finished after reading 120 names.. O.0.. there was four races, but our level participate only on one race..

Yay? its homecoming tym!! Finally, as i left the reservior, Heard Shouts of lunatics in our school, mostly idians..not saying names.. Com'on u the better of them..

Reached home, finally, really tired after the race..
Stop here le..

& strike up the band

Sunday, February 04, 2007 @4:03 PM

Well, besides a slight cough , i'm alright.. Not a slight cough, Sometimes the cough can be really harsh.. keep coughing.. =/ ..

Today played CS with my friends lohs.. was fun, was disappointed when our 'tym' was up . .. and had to go home.. but things always has a ending somewhere, so.. just go with the tym ..

Been thinking.. Time, passes slowly.. and constantly.. But Time, passes as different rates, depending of the things u are doing..


& strike up the band





Zi Ao
Yu zi


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April 2007