
Friday, April 28, 2006 @5:33 PM

Today was the english paper. Paper 1 & 2 ... Paper one is okay, quite easy... but Paper two hard.. Paper two got two comprehension and one summary... the first comprehension was HARD to understand... escpecially one question , l don't understand what it meant..sure wrong one... the second comprehension was o.k. the summary was for passage B, so it was okay...then next tuesday got chinese paper 1 & 2 ... hiazz hope exam finish fast...gtg byes!!!

& strike up the band

Thursday, April 27, 2006 @7:31 PM

ooo... tmr's exam...lolz english sia, study alot liaoz, gd luk for u all also...Sign... even after english exam still gt so many incoming exams to look out for... my exams end at 16th may... l dunno wif u all's exam same as me.. Todae at the bus-stop... wenxian told me that his school todae gt napfa test.. need to run 2.4km... l dunno whether what 's his timing... then in the after noon when l came back frm sch, he called me and tell me his running time is 11 min something... l autally don't believe it seemed too real.. if it's real, wenxian win me sia... not possible la...but ''dreams do come true(Rey Mysterio)'' lolz.. l run the 2 laps l gastric pain... still got 6 more laps to go... so pain.. so my reading very lan ... 14 mins only.. so stupid...btw, now it's not the time to think abt the running speeed of it's time for exams... do well in exam and get a relaxing MONTH OF JUNE!!!! work hard!!! Guys!!!

& strike up the band

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 @5:09 PM

todae nth really happen ...nothing special...todae gt another class test..history one.. test 8 sia... tmr history test 10... so sianzz..26/4/06 ...LOL 2 more days to ENGLISH TEST... noooo ... then 5th May GOT Chinese!!!!! tomorrow then stay back for chinese oral... darn... what if l cannot read the chinese word? then fail.. LOLz.. sure die one... hiazz , btw, gtg liaoz cya

& strike up the band

Sunday, April 23, 2006 @9:13 PM

todae church was o.k. lah...l go AMK central eat dinner wif my mother... then l go popular buy some things then l go arcade play.... Daytona USA ,again. lolz... played 2 beginner courses and 5 expert courses... beginner course is some stupid ones force me into beginerr... l choose expert, they two choose beginerr... then l go to beginner course!!! twice sia!! l lost exp in beginner courses liao....l 2nd sia... in both, he lucky only... l at the end end there accident... either hit the computer's car 's back or drift not enough then hit wall..lolz.. 5 expert course, 1 course nv 'GOAL' only... all almost nv goal... left 4-10 seconds then l hit the fnish line...lolz... heng sia.. if l play expert lose untill so lan sure very diu lian one ar.... then l took bus home lor... Come to think of it, tmr is Monday... SO SIANZ SIA

& strike up the band

Friday, April 21, 2006 @9:40 PM

The irrtating thing that happened was in Science Lesson... TEACHER CHANGE MY PLACE!! wah lau, it was such a good place, behind me was two 'better' friends... darn it, but l shifted beside to another grp only lah, no big deal anyway... but l still hated man..teacher talk what crappy thingy... still say if l sit there, always get distracted.. where got!? finding reason to change my place only (if l did get distracted, too bad for the teacher) ahazz... After CCA, found one tennis ball and played wif it wif my three friends who are in the same CCA as me... the school's 3 floor, we throw to each other, despite of the height... we made rule that we throw likedat, who drops the ball muz go down and threw it up frm 1 floor to 3 floor again... l did that thrice.. .-.-" l think... aiya my friends and l very pro one lah, tennis ball can throw untill 4th floor... then we decided to go off to a bigger place... outside the school ... outside the school , 3 min walk, was quite a big field... quite faraway frm where we are standing was a french school ...ang moh O.= ... hahaz...better don't say ... then we played passing.. we spread ourselves untill very far then throw to each otehr.. the ball really went super high... especially was my one friend.. .the best 'thrower' in the class. maybe the whole level.. then played untill 5.55pm -.-" (CCA ends at 5.00 ) then the finishing game for the day was 'baseball' throw the tennis ball and hit it wif a 'stick' , quite easy autally.. lolz.. then my friends saw a bee. big one.. buzzing ard and ard in a bush... one friend was wanting to provoke it, but my other friend said not to touch it , later it bits you... then... l threw the tennis ball high... up... and landed ON THE BUSH!!! LOL... hen the bee never get agitated ah, later l gets it.... lolz gtg cya!!

& strike up the band

Thursday, April 20, 2006 @8:22 PM

Lolz... todae after school go toa payoh stadium hall and watch the finals match... autally me and my 4 friends dun wan go one leh, but need to go lar... the principal say sec 1 and 2 muz go, if dun wan go muz write letter wif parent's signature in it siaz... our school basketball team LOST ... lolz... not that l am in Catolic 's side, but they very strong sia... the point was 59-67 l think, because memory fail me again...hahz..then very noisy lor, in the middle of the match, ppl shouting, friend jordan shout untill no voice...fabian alsoo... when the opposite team going to score one basket, we kip saying curses such as '' Ah choo!!! '' or '' Pangz Ar!!! '' even '' shit!! '' hahaz... a few times worked..really was quite fun.hiazz... untill 4pm then can go off.. toa payoh, take bus 73 then l change bus to 132 reach home... 5pm sia... the bus 73 turn here turn there, make me dizzy leh..yay, tomorrow friday le... last day of the week days!!! Yay!! but one bad thing loomed into my mind... ' exams are nearing !!!' BOOO!! No exams juz FREEDOM!!!!!
lolz... over-reacting , aren't l? haha...gtg, cya!

& strike up the band

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 @7:40 PM

Hiazz, no things to say sia....alot day nv blog liao, alot events passed, but l forgot liao, l memory low sia...todae also nothing special except for tommorrow we are going to the Toa Payoh stadium to see our school's basketball team play the final against Catholic or whateveer school , if our school team win this match, then in singapore, my school team is best basketball team ^^ quite a suprise autally... our school basketball team so pro sia... ROCK ON!!!

& strike up the band

Friday, April 14, 2006 @3:14 PM

*yawns* yesterday haven't been posting...Here are yesterday's events: After sch, abt 5-6pm, went arcade with wenxian O.= ... play daytona ar...he win me at Beginner match luckily...the other player crash into me two times...l almost win him though, 1 cm sia...banging his car,but l need more time to win...the goal line was infront and the time was... 2 seconds... LOL... then after using his 5 bucks and my 5 bucks...Two bucks on basketball and rest of the money on Daytona USA... den the greatest thing happened!!! WENXIAN LOST HIS WALLET !!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!...We tried to find his wallet together with the person-in-charge,l guess... search the whole arcade for 3 times...then l sianz, l treat him one game of Daytona ... l left my wallet at the car there, after the game, l got out frm the seat without taking my wallet, juz left it there...then after 3 minutes, l found that my wallet is missing, l went back and luickilt, it is still there!!! wenxian said' wah lau, my wallet left in my pocket, my wallet left at the car there, ppl dun wan take rs's one den they go and take mine !!!' Then l slap wenxian extra go floor 2 ask the manager for the CCTV the manager replied ' only one wallet, need us find untill so busy for what?' lolz...l went laughing... and the person in charge in teh arcade had to give wenxian55 cent for taking the bus home haha...then the person treat wenxian eat buns...bread buns LOL... and mineral water... wenxian said' l live for 13 years, this is the first time he is so desperate , untill a person had to give him bun, plain water can money to take bus home' ... l went laughing, again...WENXIAN LOST HIS WALLET , 13/04/06 at abt 6.10 !!!! den took bus home after much extra things, it was 8.50 then...wenxian going to be scold by his father and mother!!! HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!

& strike up the band

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 @7:23 PM

now this is becoming worse,alot changes for HEATS... alot ppl not happy,they make untill they happy...when l look at the finalised paper,l saw my name and jacky's name on 400m and 1500m !!! Kaoz, l run twice leh, still so long...400m is gd...l like 400m, juz speed all the way can liao,dun stop also...l'm worrying abt 1500m one...later stomach pain again how? lolz... post done... bb

& strike up the band

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 @5:17 PM

whoa, the next mth l think buei tahan sia...but still so long hahaz...After Mid-year exam still...but first,'17/4' mon got class test need stay back still!!! 1.10pm start Chp3,4,5,6 -.-" (Maths) Although a mth may seems long, but time flies(which don't happen when exams are here!) Here are next mth's events_____
HEATS 1 Wed,17 May (1400-1800)
HEATS 2 Thurs,18 May (1400-1800)
HEATS 3 Fri,19 May (1400-1800)
HEATS FINALS Thurs,25 May (0800-1230)

Todae no assembly,so got CME...
Teacher choose the boys that are participating in the HEATS
Teacher say '' if l say voluteer, then someone muz voluteer,wif l force you, no choice then...''
Then wah lau, friends keep sabo each other...100m race need abt 5 or 8 ppl l forgot then got one voluteered,teacher chose second one (sabo-ed) Then the third one, friends sabo me then l kana by teacher sia... 100m so short, speed leh, don't have much of speed,stamina can lah...
Then over liao, teacher say 200m race, then teacher chose my friend, l clap & laugh(he is the one who sabo-ed at the first place) then l asked teacher if l can change wif him, l wan longer distance anways , l 100m speed cannot run la,l speed no good...then teacher dun let me 200m ...after that is 400m...2 persons, my two friend voluteered liaos, then next is 4x100m one, means 4 persons , each 100m,run then pass the metal stick thingy l asked teacher again, this time teaceher allow me, exchange 100m wif 4x100m then l suddenly realised...IT"S THE SAME!!! -.-""' then the 800m and the 1500m one l scared later run half -way stomach pain..then the spaces are filled anyways...then finally the 400m one...l ask teacher can exchange 4x100 wif 400m one, teacher write down my name at the 400m one den NV CANCEL THE 4x100 ONE!!! L RUN TWICE SIA!!! aiya nvm, not as worse at my friend,jacky & jordan, they run 800m and 1500m one...HAHAZ
That's all for sch today, cya!!!

& strike up the band

@5:06 PM

uploaded the video of click five into's in the ''extra'' category...You can watch it, but it is VERY LAG...dunno why...seems like the video frm a website is very 'lan' ...cannot play properly one ...well, better than nth lor...

& strike up the band

Sunday, April 09, 2006 @8:42 PM

Finally found the fort minor song ' where'd u go' After hearing it, l think this song is composed by mike, like abt the same situation abt three families who shared the same kind of can view it by this website...>>> before this video starts,there one short clip (30 seconds) ...winning what thing car thingy whatever... well, this video is quite nice...please go view it...and btw, when the video starts, there is an introduction...try hearing them say before you hear the song...

& strike up the band

Friday, April 07, 2006 @9:21 PM

Yo,guys, today is speech day, l think my sch only got, those who nv get picked to go to the speech day by teacher don't need go school!!! Serangoon Garden Sec rox!!! l'm one of the lucky ones . so shuang, wake up at tv, l watched Music televison(MTV) nice songs...until one really attracted me is Clickz Five- Catch your wave it rocks man!!! Maybe u can preview by going to and search, l dunno if gt anot, but l can tell u it rocks, my fave song now...todae only eat , slp and watch tv, and play comp , So shuang...tmr sat still, another day to relax HAHAzz

& strike up the band

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 @7:58 PM

Autally todae got CCA but l forgot bring PE-t-shirt -.-" but what the heck, l still go, can leh...but only for today because l got great excuse.Hahzz...the excuse was ' l monday got pe, then tuesday wash the shirt,tuesday raining, l went out and forgot take back the shirt and when l came home it was wet, so it wouldn't dry todae 'how's that for a punk,huh? What a great excuse...Wah, it was 5.30pm and was RAINING . darn shelter along the way to the bus stop siahzz. l was floppy wet and so is my bag. The water luckily didn't reach any of my items inside my bag.Tuesday l put my umbrella in other bag then went out, came back l forgot to put back to my sch bag, cause untill likedat -_-"
----Blog done----

& strike up the band

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 @8:28 PM

Tag Board put up with help ^^.... feel free to 'post' in the tag board and keep it alive!!! ok...Todae was still okay. Todae went to ai tong sch with wenxian and the other was raining heavily and saw one ex-student playing basketball IN THE RAIN...who autally turned out to be me and wenxian's friend...saw a grp of pupils playing soccer in the void deck,l think now gt soccer as CCA liaoz...why now then gt CCA such as soccer? T.T. Oh well, wenxian freaked out when seeing them play...he thought he very pro,thinks he one vs 10 pupils ,he score 10 ... what a pile of rubbish,hahzzzzz oh well, that's all , cya!!

& strike up the band

Saturday, April 01, 2006 @11:44 AM

Blog closed for a few days... now back in place...Edited my Background, isn't it cool? l dunno if it's evil but it's cool and eerie and scary!!! L LIKE IT ! MUAHAHA. And as soon as l know how to put up a tag board, l'll let u know... =/...

& strike up the band





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