
Saturday, March 25, 2006 @12:49 PM

Finally, the weekends has come, the kings of the week.Yesterday l haven't been writing, so l will write the events that happened yesterday.Here it was Meet the parents day, l got CCA, so l didn't need to go wif my parent...So blah blah blah, the teacher told my mother whatever shitty things...Autally , my form teacher, mrs chong, happen to be my ex-neighbour in floor9 ...(not the same floor as me though) Now then l know, and l remembered one time, my next door neighbour and myself went to play catching...we hid at my teacher(l dunno her yet) door steps then suddenly , she open the door, we of course, heard the sound of the door opening and ran off as fast as we could ... if not, we would get caught and be in trouble for disturbing others..we ran to the ground floor so she wouldn't find was close,however, it was an escape frm punishment, it felt great!!! Muahahaha...=X. Ok, now for todae , not much because it is still 1.10pm when l wrote this...l recorded lin jun jie's chaochao(whatev3r) in my Mp3 and blah blah blah...and later need go church for gathering ...sianz man...That's all...

& strike up the band

Thursday, March 23, 2006 @8:47 PM

Sorry, no pic for todae...Well,nothing was nothing frm the special, juz more scoldings frm teacher...Well, Art was great todae... the subject of the drawing is to draw a protait*(dunno hw to spell) of a friend in each grp..l drew a guys named 'fabian' 's side view, it turned out to be quite great though, the guy sitting beside me , Yew theng, told me to quit sch and go be artist...then l was lyk, -.-""""""" ... Well, fabian was quite, you know, fat...the face must be bigger what, so l drew bigger, then this is the part that the protests of the 'fabian' was funny though...todae was history mini-test 5,a last min study before l start the test,although l haven't studied for it AT ALL.duh, hu cares!!! FREEDOM!!!! hahz...that's all for todae...cya guys!!!

& strike up the band

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 @8:45 PM

Today at school was, usual the parking fail teacher drove in and she did make an improvement on her parking skills...lolz...My mind has only one word for the rest of the day ' study,study,study,study' untill the last period and we got quite a laugh when the class was going crazy and at that time,the idian guy who sits behind my seat,named 'Thahir' broke his bag strap and l tried to help him but it seems that l'm making it worse -.-" so l stopped 'helping' him and glanced hastily
infront l waited waited waited untill the bell rang and got home and get to the lan shop to play some computer ^^

& strike up the band

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 @10:17 PM

okay, maybe tmr l cannot play, so l write now, since nth to do now ...oh ya, my school gt one teacher the parking skills fail one, maybe loss of memory then the parking anyhow school's 'carpark' was there and the car went in by the drive -way... then it stopped and started to go backwards to park.. the two line is straight, but the car is parked this way / / < car is sideways while the line is straight...then she found it unsastifying, she 're-parked' again... this re-parking continues for 5 times as we all know, her parking sucked -.-""" one of the re-parkings, she hited a small tree by the line..the tree went *shroomm* , that poor, small tree...and that idian teacher that probably doesn't have a driver's lisence...lolz... that's all for now...byee!! and a picture for u guys, it is probably like this * picture on top*

& strike up the band

@9:52 PM

Today sch was like, *yawns* ... Borrrringgg!!! Weekdays are meant to be boring...Except when it is holidays... in the science preiod, the class went to the science lab as usual, and sat wif my friends, fabian, eugene and an idian guy named Jaganathan, what a long name is that?lolz, we make fun of him juz by repeating his name over and over again, next thing they will do is compose a song for him -.-" so bad sia...but l like it !!! Muahahaha

& strike up the band

Saturday, March 18, 2006 @12:52 AM

Whoa, long time since l've been to this blog... btw,the famous band 'linkinpark' has broken sad. The rapper of the band, Mike, has his own band now.... called ' fort minor ' he composes the songs and raps it well...wif a woman...l do not know the woman has any relation to him or anything now... but l'll try to find out...for now, gd luk to him!!!

& strike up the band





Zi Ao
Yu zi


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